This post introduces the basics of denotational semantics and how it provides a mathematical framework for reasoning about program correctness in Haskell.
In Haskell, a function is a fixed mapping between inputs (arguments) and their corresponding values. Here is an example demonstrating the Fibonacci sequence.
fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
This defines fib
as a function that takes an integer n
and returns the nth Fibonacci number. Each case acts as an equation, establishing the relationship between input and output. fib n
runs recursively until the base case is reached and a sum is returned.
This view of a function is called denotational. We define its "meaning" by describing the relationships between inputs and outputs, as opposed to operational semantics, where functions are seen as sequences of operations executed over time.
In this framework, every expression in Haskell corresponds to a mathematical object. For instance, both fib 1
and 5-4
denote the same integer value, 1. This property is a cornerstone of referential transparency, meaning that any expression can be replaced by its corresponding value without altering the overall behavior of the program.
Referential Transparency
To illustrate referential transparency, consider a simple addition function. It is fully referentially transparent because it always returns a value based solely on its inputs. Contrast this with a division function:
> 10 `div` 2
> 10 `div` 0
*** Exception: divide by zero
Here, division by zero causes an exception. The function itself is referentially transparent only when it is total—that is, defined for every possible input. In the case of division, the operation is partial (it does not provide an output for every input), which is why we see an exception when the divisor is zero.
To address partiality, Haskell offers the Maybe
data type. This type can encapsulate a valid result (Just a
) or indicate the absence of a value (Nothing
), ensuring that functions like division become total functions:
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
safeDiv :: Integral a => a -> a -> Maybe a
safeDiv _ 0 = Nothing
safeDiv a b = Just (a `div` b)
By eliminating exceptions and other side effects, languages like Haskell ensure that every function has a well-defined mathematical meaning, which brings us to the heart of our discussion.
Denotational Semantics in a Nutshell
Imagine a box ⟦⟧
that evaluates programs into mathematical objects. You place any syntactic expression inside, and the box gives you its corresponding value. For example, if we write:
⟦E⟧ : V
this means that the expression E
is assigned a value in the semantic domain V
(which could be numbers, functions, etc.).
Example: A Calculator in Prefix Notation
Consider arithmetic expressions written in prefix notation:
⟦add 1 2⟧ = 1 + 2
⟦mul 2 5⟧ = 2 × 5
⟦42⟧ = 42
⟦neg 42⟧ = -42
We can define the abstract syntax for these expressions using Backus-Naur Form (BNF):
n ∈ Int ::= ... | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | ...
e ∈ Exp ::= add e e
| mul e e
| neg e
| n
Here, every expression evaluates to an integer, so the semantic domain is ℤ (the set of all integers). In Haskell, we might denote this with:
type ℤ = Integer
-- | An expression representing a numeral structure.
data Exp = Lit ℤ
| Neg Exp
| Add Exp Exp
| Mul Exp Exp
The evaluation function, or valuation function, assigns a mathematical meaning to each expression:
⟦Exp⟧ : ℤ
⟦add e1 e2⟧ = ⟦e1⟧ + ⟦e2⟧
⟦mul e1 e2⟧ = ⟦e1⟧ × ⟦e2⟧
⟦neg e⟧ = -⟦e⟧
⟦n⟧ = n
The Move Language
Having seen how denotational semantics formalizes the behavior of mathematical expressions, let's examine its application in another domain. Consider a simple domain-specific language (DSL) for controlling a robot, called Move.
The Move language specifies commands such as go E 3
, which instruct a robot to move a given number of steps in a specified direction:
go E 3; go N 4; go S 1;
- Each
command constructs a Step, representing an n-unit movement in one of the cardinal directions. - A Move is a sequence of steps separated by semicolons.
The abstract syntax for Move might be defined as:
n ∈ Nat ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ...
d ∈ Dir ::= N | S | E | W
s ∈ Step ::= go d n
m ∈ Move ::= ε | s ; m
(Epsilon (ε) denotes an empty command sequence.)
We can explore two interpretations (semantic domains) for Move programs:
1. Total Distance Calculation
In this interpretation, the semantic domain is ℕ (the natural numbers), representing the total distance traveled.
For Step expressions:
S⟦Step⟧ : Nat
S⟦go d k⟧ = k
For Move expressions:
M⟦Move⟧ : Nat
M⟦ε⟧ = 0
M⟦s;m⟧ = S⟦s⟧ + M⟦m⟧
2. Target Position Calculation
Here, the semantic domain is the set of functions that map a starting position (x, y)
to a final position. We denote this using lambda calculus (λ-calculus):
⟦Expr⟧ : Pos → Pos
For each Step:
S⟦Step⟧ : Pos → Pos
S⟦go N k⟧ = λ(x,y).(x,y+k)
S⟦go S k⟧ = λ(x,y).(x,y−k)
S⟦go E k⟧ = λ(x,y).(x+k,y)
S⟦go W k⟧ = λ(x,y).(x−k,y)
A Move expression composes these functions in sequence. For an empty Move, the function simply returns the starting position:
M⟦Move⟧ : Pos → Pos
M⟦ε⟧ = λp.p
M⟦s;m⟧ = M⟦m⟧ ∘ S⟦s⟧