August 30, 2024 · fp, go and language

Package warp provides a collection of experimental Monad implementations in Go.

Since Go version 1.18, the language has incorporated generics, a highly anticipated feature enabling parametric polymorphism.

Last summer, inspired by Philip Wadler's Featherweight Go presentation, I experimented with several Monad implementations. It seems the addition of generics has made it possible to implement them with relative ease.

Before we proceed, it's important to acknowledge that Go's core strengths lie in imperative programming rather than functional abstractions like monads. For most use cases, the rate package is likely a more suitable option than implementing a monad to abstract over channels. Nonetheless, exploring the monadic approach provides valuable insights. Let's begin by briefly comparing polymorphism in Haskell and Go.

Polymorphism in Haskell

Here's a Haskell definition for a "plus" operator:

(+) :: Number -> Number -> Number

We can generalize this by replacing Number with a type variable a to accommodate any data type. This is known as parametric polymorphism.

(+) :: a -> a -> a

Or, restrict the type a to instances of the Num class. In the following example, (Num a) => is a type constraint: this is ad-hoc polymorphism in Haskell.

(+) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a

In Haskell, type classes like Num are defined by specifying a set of functions, along with their types, that must exist for every type that belongs to the class. So types can be parameterized; a type class Eq intended to contain types that admit equality would be declared in the following way:

class Eq a where
  (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool

For instance, the Maybe data type is an instance of both the Eq and Ord type classes, providing implementations for their respective functions (equality and ordering). This designates Maybe as a type constructor.

This kind of polymorphism is termed higher-kinded polymorphism. Similar to how higher-order functions abstract over values and functions, higher-kinded types (HKTs) abstract over types and type constructors.

Polymorphism in Go

Similarly, here's a "greater than" definition in Go:

func GreaterThan(x, y int64) bool

Go has long supported a form of structural subtyping through structures and interfaces. The newly introduced any keyword is an alias for the empty interface{}. When used as a type parameter, any signifies no type constraints, allowing T to represent any type in the following definition.

func GreaterThan[T any](x, y T) bool

We can restrict it to constraints.Ordered, which specifies types supporting comparison operators.

import ""

func GreaterThan[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) bool

There is also a built-in comparable constraint for types supporting equality operators, ==, !=.

func Equals[T comparable](x, y T) bool

Refer to the Introduction to Generics and the Type Parameters Proposal for more information.

What is a Monad?

Let's consider the == operator defined in the Eq class first. While commonly used for numbers and strings, the concept of equality can be extended to other data types as well. For example, we could define equality for a hypothetical "Fruit" type, allowing comparisons between apples and oranges. Essentially, any type can be compared for equality as long as an appropriate Eq implementation exists.

Similarly, the Monad class introduces the >>= (bind) operator:

class Monad m where
  (>>=)  :: m a -> (  a -> m b) -> m b
  (>>)   :: m a ->  m b         -> m b
  return ::   a                 -> m a

The bind operator, with the m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b type signature, defines a function for sequencing computations within a monadic context. It takes a monadic value of type a and a function that maps a value of type a to a monadic value of type b. It then applies the function to the value inside the input monad and returns a new monadic value of type b, effectively chaining two computations together.

Long story short, any computation can be sequenced using >>= given a suitable Monad instance. Computations on lists, branching logic, and asynchronous operations can all be composed using the bind operator within the context of a Monad. Declarative style, in particular, benefit significantly from this pattern as control flow is implicitly managed.

It's worth noting that most Monads are also Applicatives and Functors, forming a hierarchical relationship.

Now, my Monad elevator pitch is over. Time to take it for a spin with the Result and Event Monads.


A Result represents a computation that either yields a value of type A or an error:

type Result[A any] func(context.Context) (A, error)

See the API documentation at

Compare it with Haskell's Either:

data  Either a b  =  Left a | Right b
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

Type classes like Eq and Ord offer additional capabilities. For instance, you can compare Either values if their underlying types support equality. Here's how fp-ts handles Eq for Either.

const getEq = <E, A>(EL: Eq<E>, EA: Eq<A>): Eq<Either<E, A>> => ({
  equals: (x, y) =>
    x === y || (
      ? isLeft(y) && EL.equals(x.left, y.left)
      : isRight(y) && EA.equals(x.right, y.right)

A Go equivalent using Result is shown below.

type Eq[T any] func(a, b T) bool

func GetEq[A comparable](el Eq[error], ea Eq[A]) Eq[warp.Result[A]] {
    return func(fa, fb warp.Result[A]) bool {
        a1, err1 := fa()
        a2, err2 := fb()

        if err1 != nil {
            return err2 != nil && el(err1, err2)
        return err2 == nil && ea(a1, a2)

One might expect to use a generic Eq function to compare Result values. However, since Result internally represents computations as functions, direct comparison is not possible as functions are not comparable.

Fortunately, the monad interface provides a suitable abstraction. Additionally, Go's error subtyping feature (introduced in version 1.13) enables effective error handling through pattern matching.

package main

import (


var (
    errDivisionByZero       = errors.New("division by zero")
    errNegativeSquareRoot   = errors.New("negative square root")
    errNonPositiveLogarithm = errors.New("non-positive logarithm")

type num interface {
    constraints.Float | constraints.Integer

func div[T num](x, y T) warp.Result[T] {
    if y == 0.0 {
        return result.Error[T](errDivisionByZero)
    return result.Ok(x / y)

func sqrt[T num](x T) warp.Result[T] {
    if x < 0.0 {
        return result.Error[T](errNegativeSquareRoot)
    return result.Ok(T(math.Sqrt(float64(x))))

func log[T num](x T) warp.Result[T] {
    if x <= 0.0 {
        return result.Error[T](errNonPositiveLogarithm)
    return result.Ok(T(math.Log(float64(x))))

func double[T num](x T) T {
    return x * 2

func op[T num](x, y T) warp.Result[T] {
    return result.Ap(
            result.Chain(div(x, y), log[T]),

func main() {
            op(20.0, 10.0),
            func(a float64) string {
                return fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", a)
        func(err error) {
            fmt.Printf("Error is %v\n", err)
        }, func(msg string) {
            fmt.Printf("Result is %s\n", msg)

A more comprehensive usage example is provided by the middleware package, which introduces the Middleware monad built upon the Result type.


An Event represents a timeline of distinct happenings, each with corresponding data.

type Event[A any] func(context.Context, chan<- A)

See the API documentation at

The Event implementation is based on Phil Freeman's purescript-event, subsequently ported to TypeScript by Giulio Canti as part of behaviors-ts, but it differs by utilizing channel subscriptions in Go for a fully asynchronous approach.


newtype Event a = Event ((a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect (Effect Unit))


type Subscriber<A> = (a: A) => void

interface Event<A> {
  (sub: Subscriber<A>): void

Extra knowledge: While the theoretical foundations of the Event monad can be attributed to Conal Elliott and Paul Hudak's 'Functional Reactive Animation', the Observable monad from ReactiveX is undoubtedly its most widely recognized implementation.

An Event constructor accepts two parameters:

  • A context to signal upstream cancellation.
  • A send-only channel for pushing values of type A to downstream.

A single event constructed with event.Internal is demonstrated below. This event emits the current time at a frequency of one second.

package main

import (


func main() {
    run := event.Interval(time.Second * 1) // emit every second

    values := make(chan time.Time)

    go run(context.TODO(), values)

    for v := range values {

// Output:
// 2024-09-02 11:47:48.941034 +0200 CEST m=+1.001269253
// 2024-09-02 11:47:49.940117 +0200 CEST m=+2.000392628
// 2024-09-02 11:47:50.940966 +0200 CEST m=+3.001281450

Let's spice things up a bit by using combinators such as Map, Filter, and Alt.

package main

import (


func main() {
    nums := make(chan int)

    first := event.Filter( // skip 3
        event.Count( // count number events
            event.Interval(time.Second*1), // emit every second
        func(x int) bool {
            return x != 3

    second := event.Map( // double it
        event.After(time.Second*2, 21), // emit 21 after 2 seconds
        func(x int) int {
            return x * 2

    // merge events
    run := event.Alt(first, second)

    go run(context.TODO(), nums)

    for num := range nums {

// Output:
// 1
// 2
// 42
// 4
// 5

event.Alt is used for alternating between two events.

Note that in both purescript-event and event-ts, the first subscription must complete before the second one can start. This means that the second event won't be subscribed to until the first one emits a value.

instance altEvent :: Alt Event where
  alt (Event f) (Event g) = Event \k -> do
    c1 <- f k
    c2 <- g k
    pure (c1 *> c2)

in TypeScript:

const alt = <A>(fx: Event<A>, fy: Event<A>): Event<A> =>
  sub => {

The channel-based version in Go doesn't have this limitation. The implementation is bulkier, but much of it is boilerplate code to ensure that no values are emitted when the context is canceled.

// Alt creates an event which emits values simultaneously from two source events.
func Alt[A any](x warp.Event[A], y warp.Event[A]) warp.Event[A] {
    return func(ctx context.Context, sub chan<- A) {
        defer close(sub)

        var (
            xs = make(chan A)
            ys = make(chan A)
            a  A
            ok bool

        var done <-chan struct{}

        if ctx != nil {
            done = ctx.Done()

        go x(ctx, xs)
        go y(ctx, ys)

        for {
            select {
            case a, ok = <-xs:
                if !ok {
                    xs = nil
                    if ys == nil {
                select {
                case <-done:
                    select {
                    case <-done:
                    case sub <- a:
            case a, ok = <-ys:
                if !ok {
                    ys = nil
                    if xs == nil {
                select {
                case <-done:
                    select {
                    case <-done:
                    case sub <- a:

The same pattern is used throughout the other combinator implementations. One potential issue with this approach is that it can create an excessive number of nested goroutines, especially for tasks that do not require asynchronous execution. To address this, the channel scheduler should be decoupled. However, for now, I'm not sure if the benefits justify the additional hassle for implementing a scheduler.