warp is a collection of functional data types built to experiment with Go's generics and their effectiveness in modeling functional abstractions.
The introduction of generics in Go 1.18—a long-awaited feature enabling parametric polymorphism—has greatly expanded the language's potential for unlocking new functional paradigms, offering an exciting new playground for nerds like myself to explore.
I built this library to experiment with functional patterns in Go, particularly around generics and type-safe composition. At the time, Go lacked native support for function-based iteration, but that changed in Go 1.23 with the introduction of range over function types, providing a built-in alternative to the approach used here. Furthermore, a recent proposal aims to introduce the golang.org/x/exp/xiter
package, which appears to include a set of combinators similar to those implemented in warp
. Naturally, these advancements render libraries like this obsolete, as Go now provides a more idiomatic and significantly more performant solution.
Nevertheless, let's begin by comparing polymorphism in Haskell and Go.
Polymorphism in Haskell
Here's a Haskell definition for a "plus" operator:
(+) :: Number -> Number -> Number
We can generalize this by replacing Number
with a type variable a
to accommodate any data type. This is known as parametric polymorphism.
(+) :: a -> a -> a
Or, restrict the type a
to instances of the Num
class. Here, (Num a) =>
is a type constraint: this is ad-hoc polymorphism in Haskell.
(+) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
In Haskell, type classes like Num
are defined by specifying a set of functions, along with their types, that must exist for every type that belongs to the class. So types can be parameterized; a type class Eq
intended to contain types that admit equality would be declared in the following way:
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
For instance, the Maybe
data type is an instance of both the Eq
and Ord
type classes, providing implementations for their respective functions (equality and ordering). This designates Maybe
as a type constructor.
This kind of polymorphism is termed higher-kinded polymorphism. Similar to how higher-order functions abstract over values and functions, higher-kinded types (HKTs) abstract over types and type constructors.
Polymorphism in Go
Similarly, here's a "greater than" definition in Go:
func GreaterThan(x, y int64) bool
Go has supported structural subtyping through structures and interfaces. The newly introduced any
keyword, an alias for the empty interface{}
, indicates no type constraints when used as a type parameter:
func GreaterThan[T any](x, y T) bool
To restrict the type, we can use constraints.Ordered
, which specifies types supporting comparison operators.
import "golang.org/x/exp/constraints"
func GreaterThan[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) bool
There is also a built-in comparable constraint for types supporting equality operators, ==
, !=
func Equals[T comparable](x, y T) bool
For more details, refer to the Introduction to Generics and the Type Parameters Proposal.
Unlike Haskell, Go does not natively support higher-kinded types (HKTs), which enable parameterization over type constructors. However, with the introduction of generics, we can achieve similar abstractions by leveraging first-class function types as an alternative.
How Generics Help
Generics in Go allow us to write functions and data structures that can work with a range of types without having to write separate versions for each type. This addresses a major pain point that existed before generics.
For example, before generics, if we wanted a List
(or slice) that could hold integers, we'd have []int
. For strings, we'd have []string
. And if we wanted a function to operate on either, we'd have to write separate versions.
With generics, we can now write:
type List[T any] []T
func mapList[T, U any](l List[T], f func(T) U) List[U] {
// ... implementation ...
This List
type and mapList
function can now work with lists of any type. We can haveList[int]
, List[string]
, List[MyStruct]
, etc., and the same mapList
function can operate on all of them.
Where Generics Fall Short for HTKs
The key difference lies in what generics can abstract over.
- Go Generics – Can abstract over concrete types (like
). They can also abstract over type parameters (likeT
in the example above). - HKTs – Can abstract over type constructors (like
). This allows us to create generic functions that work with a variety of data structures themselves.
For example, a Functor
is something we can map over (like our mapList
example). In Haskell, we can define a Functor
type class:
class Functor f where -- 'f' is a type constructor (like List, Maybe)
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
This says "anything that implements Functor must provide an fmap function." f
here is a type constructor. We can then make List
, Maybe
, and many other things instances of Functor
In Go, even with generics, we can't express this level of abstraction. We can write a generic mapList
for List[T]
, but we'd have to write separate mapping functions for other data structures (e.g., if we had a Maybe[T]
type). We can't write a single function that works for any type that can be mapped over in the same way it's possible in Haskell with the Functor
type class.
Representing Monads in Go
In Haskell, a Result
type might look like this:
data Result a = Ok a | Error String
In Go, since type constructors are not directly expressible, Result[A]
is instead modeled as a function type:
type Result[A any] func(context.Context) (A, error)
This function-based approach provides lazy evaluation, since computations are only executed when the function is called with a context.Context
Similarly, in Haskell, an event stream could be modeled as:
data Event a = Event (IO a)
Whereas in Go, an Event[A]
is again represented as a function that takes a context and a channel:
type Event[A any] func(context.Context, chan<- A)
These are the types provided by warp
. See the full documentation at pkg.go.dev.
represents a computation that never fails and yields a value of type A
It encapsulates a delayed computation, ensuring that side effects (such as I/O operations) are only executed when the function is invoked.
type IO[A any] func() A
A Result
represents a computation that either yields a value of type A
or an error—in other words, a computation that either succeeds or fails.
This enables safe chaining of operations while handling errors in a functional way.
type Result[A any] func(context.Context) (A, error)
An Event
represents a collection of discrete occurrences of values over time.
It models asynchronous data streams and allows functional composition of event-driven logic.
type Event[A any] func(context.Context, chan<- A)
A Future
represents a collection of discrete occurrences of events with associated values or errors.
type Future[A any] Event[Result[A]]
Here's how we can safely chain mathematical operations—division, logarithm, square root, and doubling—using Result
to handle potential errors gracefully:
package main
import (
// Define custom error messages for specific invalid operations
var (
errDivisionByZero = errors.New("division by zero")
errNegativeSquareRoot = errors.New("negative square root")
errNonPositiveLogarithm = errors.New("non-positive logarithm")
// Type constraint for numeric types that can be used in calculations
type num interface {
constraints.Float | constraints.Integer
// Safe division function that returns a Result with an error if y is zero
func div[T num](x, y T) warp.Result[T] {
if y == 0.0 {
return result.Error[T](errDivisionByZero)
return result.Ok(x / y)
// Safe square root function that returns an error for negative inputs
func sqrt[T num](x T) warp.Result[T] {
if x < 0.0 {
return result.Error[T](errNegativeSquareRoot)
return result.Ok(T(math.Sqrt(float64(x))))
// Safe logarithm function that returns an error for non-positive inputs
func log[T num](x T) warp.Result[T] {
if x <= 0.0 {
return result.Error[T](errNonPositiveLogarithm)
return result.Ok(T(math.Log(float64(x))))
// Function to double the input value
func double[T num](x T) T {
return x * 2
// Function that chains the operations: division, logarithm, square root, and doubling
func calculateResult[T num](x, y T) warp.Result[T] {
return result.Ap(
result.Chain(div(x, y), log[T]),
func main() {
// Perform the calculation and handle the result or error using Fork
calculateResult(20.0, 10.0),
func(a float64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", a)
// Error handler: prints the error message if an error occurs
func(err error) {
fmt.Printf("Error is %v\n", err)
// Success handler: prints the result if calculation succeeds
func(msg string) {
fmt.Printf("Result is %s\n", msg)
🐸 Also check out the middleware package, which introduces
built on top of theResult
An Event
constructor accepts two parameters:
- A context to signal upstream cancellation.
- A send-only channel for pushing values of type
to downstream.
To create a basic event that emits the current time every second:
package main
import (
func main() {
run := event.Interval(time.Second * 1) // Emit every second
values := make(chan time.Time)
go run(context.TODO(), values)
for v := range values {
// Output:
// 2024-09-02 11:47:48.941034 +0200 CEST m=+1.001269253
// 2024-09-02 11:47:49.940117 +0200 CEST m=+2.000392628
// 2024-09-02 11:47:50.940966 +0200 CEST m=+3.001281450
Using combinators like Map
, Filter
, and Alt
, we can manipulate event streams. Here's an example that filters, maps, and merges events:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a channel to receive integer events
nums := make(chan int)
// First event stream: emits a count every second, filtering out the value 3
first := event.Filter(
event.Interval(time.Second * 1),
func(x int) bool {
return x != 3
// Second event stream: emits the value 21 after a 2-second delay and doubles it
second := event.Map(
event.After(time.Second*2, 21),
func(x int) int {
return x * 2
// Merge the two event streams using Alt, which combines the events
run := event.Alt(first, second)
// Start the merged event stream in a goroutine, sending results to nums channel
go run(context.TODO(), nums)
// Print each value as it is received from the nums channel
for num := range nums {
// Output:
// 1
// 2
// 42
// 4
// 5